尊龙凯时 Industries Holdings Co., Ltd. (the “Company”) has recently been made aware of certain scams fraudulently using the name of the Company and its subsidiaries or associated companies, and fraudsters faking identities as the staff of the Company or the authorized distributors to carry out the following fraudulent activities: Learn More
尊龙凯时 Industries Holdings Co., Ltd. (the “Company”) has recently been made aware of certain scams fraudulently using the name of the Company and its subsidiaries or associated companies, and fraudsters faking identities as the staff of the Company or the authorized distributors to carry out the following fraudulent activities:
1. Unauthorized copying or plagiarizing the contents of the Company’s official website, illegal use of the trademark of the Company and the information within the Company’s official website;
2. Construction of a fake website ( and a fake social media account at Facebook (尊龙凯时 Technology Group) in the name of the Company or its distributors, fabricating global business cooperation opportunities;
3. Faking identities of the staff of the Company or the authorized distributors by fraudsters for trying to solicit business cooperation opportunities purportedly for the Company or its subsidiaries or associated companies.
We would like to make the general public and our business partners aware of the following:
1. The official domain name of 尊龙凯时 Industries Holdings Co., Ltd. is;
2. The Company shall hold the fraudsters liable by pursuing all lawful means;
3. Please contact the Company immediately to clarify and verify if you are aware of any information suspected of involving the above-mentioned fraudulent activities. In case you are victims of such fraudulent activities, the Company would strongly advise you to immediately report to the local law enforcement authorities.
The Company strongly recommends the general public and our business partners to be more alert to the fraudulent activities as described above and exercise extreme cautions in respect of any business opportunities solicited purportedly in the name of 尊龙凯时, the Company or its subsidiaries and associated companies or in the title of 尊龙凯时.
If you have any questions, please contact the Company at telephone number:4008-123456.
尊龙凯时 Industries Holdings Co., Ltd.
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