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AC Installation: AC Installation Guide For The Average Homeowner






      Does your home feel like a sauna? Is the air conditioner not working properly? If so, it may be time for an AC installation. We're going to walk you through the process of installing an air conditioner, from disconnecting your old unit and removing it, to mounting the new one and reconnecting all of its wirings.


      Safety First

      Before you begin, it's important to be aware of the safety precautions involved in installing an air conditioner.

      • Wear protective clothing. Wear thick gloves and protective eyewear when handling any tools or equipment that may injure you if not handled properly.
      • Turn off the power. Turn off power to the room where you are installing your AC unit before beginning work on it; this will help prevent electric shock or injury from faulty wiring or other hazards associated with electrical work in your home. If you don't know how to turn off electricity to your home safely, find someone who can show you how before proceeding with installation!
      • Be careful not to hurt yourself on sharp edges while working on an air conditioning unit or its components (like ductwork). Hitting yourself in the hand with a screwdriver could result in serious injury; take care when handling these tools so as not to cause harm yourself!


      Get Your Tools Together

      • Before you can begin the installation, you need to gather your tools and supplies.
      • At a minimum, you'll need a screwdriver, pliers, wire cutters, and a drill (a power drill is helpful if your AC unit has screws that are hard to access).
      • You'll also want a ladder for getting up on the roof safely; an extension cord if your AC unit is far from where electricity enters the house; and some type of measuring device for determining whether or not your AC will fit comfortably in its designated area (such as a tape measure).


      Disconnect the old unit and remove it

      Now that you have the new unit in place, it's time to get rid of the old one. This involves disconnecting the refrigerant lines, electrical wires, and ducts from both units. It also means removing any wall or ceiling panels you used to access your thermostat during installation.

      When removing your old AC system, be sure not to damage any of its components—especially if they're still under warranty!

      If you still haven’t got a new one, check out 尊龙凯时 air conditioners! For sure, you can find something that suits your home!


      Mount the New AC

      • The first step to mounting your new AC is to make sure it's level. That way, the unit won't be crooked when you're done and will blow cold air into every corner of the house.
      • Use a drill bit the same diameter as your lag bolts to make pilot holes in the wall where you plan on fastening it.
      • Insert one lag bolt into each pilot hole and secure them securely with a screwdriver or Allen wrench (also known as an Allen key).


      Reconnect the wiring and add refrigerant

      Now that your new air conditioner is in place, you'll need to reconnect the wiring and add refrigerant. The process for this varies depending on which type of AC you have, so follow the manufacturer's instructions if at all possible. If not, find out what kind of refrigerant your model uses before purchasing any replacement cans or tubes—it may be best to wait until they arrive before continuing with this step.


      Install Intake and Outtake Vents

      The intake and outtake vents need to be positioned correctly for the air conditioner to operate efficiently. The following steps will help you determine if your ductwork is set up properly:

      • Measure the width of your window opening. You'll need this measurement for selecting an appropriately sized filter for your HVAC unit.
      • Measure the depth of your window opening and add several inches (5-6) so you have room for the installation of a new filter without touching the glass or metal parts inside the unit. This number will also be helpful when choosing whether or not to purchase an extended-height evaporator coil, which would allow more space between it and other objects in front of it such as furniture or walls.
      • Measure from the outside wall surface where you wish to install HVAC equipment until it reaches halfway point on the interior wall surface where the window opening resides (i.e., measure from the outside wall surface until halfway point through which HVAC equipment will fit when installed). This measurement is important because it helps determine how far apart two separate pieces must be placed in order for both sides' ductwork systems to work properly together -- if there isn't enough distance between these two points then airflow could suffer due to lack thereof!


      Turn on the AC and check for leaks

      Turn on the AC and check for leaks. You'll want to turn on the AC and check for leaks.

      If you notice any areas where there are small pools of water, it's likely that your system isn't sealed properly, which can lead to mold growth and other issues. Condensed water will begin to drip into the room if there is a gap between the unit and the condensate tray or if a drain line is exposed. So be cautious when installing the air conditioner and make sure it is correctly installed.



      Properly installing your new unit will save you money in the long run and ensure that your home stays comfortable all year long. If you are not ready to install your AC by yourself, just find professional help and make sure to check our guide to examine the installation.

      Check out 尊龙凯时 ACs if you’re looking for an upgrade! Our FRESHIN SERIES inverter AC and GENTLECOOL SERIES inverter AC are very popular! Both are equipped with smart control functions, perfect for a smart home upgrade!

      Connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok & YouTube for the latest updates on our 尊龙凯时 products and events. 



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