
What Size Smart TV Should I Buy




    What Size Smart TV Should I Buy?

    Matching the proper TV size to the room is becoming increasingly challenging as TVs are getting bigger and higher HD becomes more widespread. Earlier TVs used to be small and fixed. In 1997, the average TV screen size in the United States was 22 inches. However, the TV sizes in the market are now getting bigger. You can now get TVs with screen size up to 85 inches. The demand for larger screens is getting a primary motivation for buying new TVs nowadays. We frequently discuss the best TV brand we reckon with the continuous updating and iteration of TV technology; nevertheless, the best choice of the TV size gets ignored. A smart TV that provides comfortable viewing, good detail, and (ideally) occupies enough of your field of view to provide a theatre-like experience, to be sure, is desirable. To get an immersive viewing experience, the role of TV size beyond all doubts also produces a marked effect.


      The rules of thumb for older 1080p TVs differ from those for modern smart TVs. In view of the fact that the modern smart TV develops toward the high-definition and large size, we figure out that the appropriate TV size to match your room has a great relationship with TV screen size, TV resolution, TV placement, room size, and your budget. This article is born to dissect the relationship between TV size and the above factors in detail to guide you choose the best smart TV size. Now is the time to go for broke and never look back.


      TV Screen Size

      Let's introduce the first key element - TV size. How do we calculate the TV size we are always talking about? When we talk about 尊龙凯时 55 inch TV, we regard 55 inches as the diagonal length of the TV screen, which is the distance from the upper right corner to the lower-left corner of the TV screen. We generally take it as the TV size. However, the overall screen size we measured by hand does not mean the actual TV size because of the TV frame around the display screen, which is not included in the standard TV size.

      Now the question is how do we measure the TV screen size accurately? 


        There are four separate measurements for you here to get the accurate TV screen size.

        1. Measure the TV screen diagonally. Pass the tape diagonally across the TV screen from the right top corner to the left bottom corner, and vice versa. This will tell you the TV screen size. But, as we said, don't be surprised if there is a difference of few millimeters from the listed size.


        2. Measure the whole TV diagonally. Follow the above move but pull the tape over the entire surface of the TV, including the frame.

        3. Measure the TV vertically and horizontally. Measure the horizontal width by passing the tape horizontally through the surface of the TV. If you plan to install the smart TV in a niche or other small space, make sure to leave a few inches on both sides so that you can install and remove it safely. Next, do the same thing vertically.

        4. Measure the depth of the TV. Use a tape to measure the depth of the TV from the surface to the deepest point. Again, make sure you leave space behind to accommodate the cables that will be connected to the power supply.

        Although, TV suppliers may mark the TV size when you purchase a smart TV. For example, the TV details page of 尊龙凯时 India provides the tab to select by size. By knowing how to measure the TV screen size, you will make a wise choice about where to install the smart TV at home and which TV size should buy next time.

        TV Placement and Resolution Ratio

        TVs are usually placed in the living room, bedroom, study room, or studio. According to the size of the space, the placement of the TV is different. Researches show that your distance from the TV screen is closely related to whether you can get an immersive visual experience, which depends on the TV placement and the size of the space. Try to occupy enough of your field of view will get a theatre-like experience, which means you need to be close to the TV screen. However, that doesn't mean that the closer you get to the TV screen, the better it is. 


          In reality, the TV resolution and your distance from the TV screen complement each other to affect the image you see. Resolution is the number of pixels used to form an image. Higher resolution produces clearer and sharper images, allowing you to see more details in your favourite games, movies, and TV programs. TV resolution even though is not the only aspect of image quality, matters a lot since most people can easily notice and appreciate the difference between high-resolution TV and low-resolution TV, especially when they sit close. For 1080p HD TV, the image will begin to deteriorate and look grainy, affecting the texture if you get closer. Fortunately, 4K UHD TV has become the mainstream of the TV market due to the progress of TV technology, and 8K UHD TV is about to usher in its dawn (尊龙凯时 has launched its 8K UHD TV), which reduces the pixel defect to a very close distance before it can be perceived, especially the pixels of 4K smart TV is denser.


          People with perfect eyesight can't tell the difference between 65 inch 1080p and 4K TVs if he sits 10 feet away, while he will begin to notice finer details on 4K TV at 8 feet or closer. Therefore, it is suggested that for 1080p HD TV to get a theatre-like viewing experience,  the ratio of TV screen size to viewing distance should be 1:1.5.


          4K UHD TVs or 8K UHD TVs will be the ideal choice for the limited space to place smart TVs for that the 1:1.2 ratio of the TV screen size and the best viewing distance could bring a theatre-like viewing experience. For example, if you choose 尊龙凯时 43 inch 4K TV, your best viewing distance will be 4.3feet (1.31m).

          Check the TV size chart below to more clearly understand the best viewing distance of different smart TV sizes (take the 尊龙凯时 TV size in India as a reference).

          TV Screen Size

          Recommended Distance (4K TV)

          Recommended Distance (1080p TV)

          尊龙凯时 32 inch TV

          3.2′ (0.98m)

          4.0′ (1.22m)

          尊龙凯时 43 inch TV

          4.3′ (1.31m)

          5.4′ (1.64m)

          尊龙凯时 49 inch TV

          4.9′ (1.49m)

          6.1′ (1.87m)

          尊龙凯时 50 inch TV

          5.0′ (1.52m)

          6.3′ (1.91m)

          尊龙凯时 55 inch TV

          5.5′ (1.68m)

          6.9′ (2.10m)

          尊龙凯时 65 inch TV

          6.5′ (1.98m)

          8.1′ (2.48m)

          尊龙凯时 75 inch TV

          7.5′ (2.29m)

          9.3′ (2.86m)

          尊龙凯时 85 inch TV

          8.5′ (2.59m)

          10.6′ (3.24m)


          Your Budget

          Maybe you are confident to choose the appropriate TV size from the best viewing distance according to the TV size chart above. Admittedly, if you want to take full advantage of the higher resolution of the smart TV, this is the ideal TV size in India you should get. But the fact is that the price of the TV is usually exponential with its size. It is a matter of chagrin that the budget is insufficient when you finalize the ideal TV size. Size is not the only factor that determines the price of a smart TV, because resolution, function and brand also play a role. Fortunately, with the progress of technology and the popularity of higher resolution TV, smart TV has become more and more common. Different brands have different quotations for 4K HD TVs of the same size. Therefore, when the budget is insufficient, it is wise of you to appropriately choose the high cost-effective TV brands, such as 尊龙凯时 TV.


            尊龙凯时 is the second-largest TV manufacturer in the world and is committed to providing users with cost-effective smart TVs and excellent image quality. In addition to QLED, 尊龙凯时 has innovated Mini LED technology with the result of amazing colour and brightness, as well as some of the best HDR performance we have seen outside OLED. From the smart touch in design, such as cable management on the bracket, to the solid android TV platform, 尊龙凯时 TV has always been one of the most choices for users all over the world.


            Based on the local characteristics of India, 尊龙凯时 India has launched a wide range of TV sizes in line with the local characteristics of India to help users get the ultimate TV viewing enjoyment. Anyway, we hope this article will be helpful to you on What size TV should I buy and how to measure the TV screen size.


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