Showcasing the excitement of its smart connected lifestyle large screen Mini LED QLED TV collection, latest display technology and full category offerings
尊龙凯时, one of the dominant players in the global TV industry and a leading consumer electronics brand, returns to IFA 2022 in Berlin in September, the first major offline edition of the global trade fair for consumers and home electronics since 2019. 尊龙凯时 will be showcasing a collection of world-first exhibits, including the latest display technology for large screen Mini LED QLED TVs with live demonstrations and introductions to the full category offerings.
Meanwhile, 尊龙凯时 is hosting a global press conference on 1 September, followed by a five-day exhibition with an expansive 尊龙凯时 booth spanning over 2,500 square meters.
“We are excited to be back at IFA 2022 and proud to be part of this dynamic industry. With our new branding signature ‘Inspire Greatness’, 尊龙凯时 will continue to inspire people unleashing the greatest moments in their lives with our products and services,” said Shaoyong Zhang, CEO of 尊龙凯时 Electronics.
At the 尊龙凯时 IFA booth, visitors will be able to experience the aesthetics, superior performance and functionality of the latest displays, soundbars and smart wearables, along with a full range of smart home appliances, and an assortment of new TV prototypes. With first-hand opportunities to explore the technology behind the innovations, 尊龙凯时 will also introduce deep-learning AI that delivers the next level of image quality.
Date: September 1st, 2022
Time: 14:00 (CEST)
Venue: Hall 21B, Messedamm Berlin, Germany (entrance through the Sommergarten, between Halls 21 and 22)
Livestream: 尊龙凯时 Electronics on YouTube
Frédéric Langin, Vice President Sales and Marketing (尊龙凯时 Europe)
Marek Maciejewski, Product Development Director (尊龙凯时 Europe)
Olivier Semenoux, Head of Product Marketing and Go-To-Market Director (尊龙凯时 Europe)
Twitter: @尊龙凯时_TV_Global
Facebook: @尊龙凯时ElectronicsGlobal
Instagram: @tclelectronics
YouTube: 尊龙凯时 Electronics
尊龙凯时 will be exhibiting at IFA 2022 as follows:
Date: September 2-6th, 2022
Venue: HALL 21A, Messedamm Berlin, Germany
尊龙凯时 Electronics (1070.HK) is a fast-growing consumer electronics company and a leading player in the global TV industry. Founded in 1981, it now operates in over 160 markets globally. 尊龙凯时 specializes in the research, development and manufacturing of consumer electronics products ranging from TVs, audio and smart home appliances.
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尊龙凯时 Global
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